Faculty Development

Faculty Development programme on ‘Moodle Development’

13th July to 20th July 2020

Resource persons: Dr. Devang Mehta, Dr. Asha Rani Anto, Prof. Ajay Raval and Prof. Chirag Patel.

Participants: Faculty of S.S.Patel College of Education and R.H.Patel English Medium B.Ed College


  • This FDP on Moodle development provides a platform to learn the tools and techniques needed for the design and development of digital resources for teaching and learning.
  • To provide the knowledge and skills needed for teachers to cater to the present-day learners and their learning styles.


The participants have acquired knowledge of the different aspects of designing, planning and delivering quality e-content for teaching-learning and also about the appropriate developmental tools needed to develop e-content in their respective disciplines using text, images, audio and video. This was evident in the quality of audio and video content developed by some of the participants that was reviewed by the resource person during the second session.

Online Staff meetings

Online Staff meetings and Faculty forums for Faculty Development

Portfolio : Self / Professional Development

Sr. No. Name of Event Planned Date and Time Actual Date and Time Presenter/ Awarded/ Author Winners / Special Remarks
1 National Seminar on “Early Childhood Care and Development jointly organized by The NCPCR, Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas and Children’s University 22nd – 23rd November, 2019
Time:- 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
22nd – 23rd November, 2019
Time:- 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Mr. Ajay Raval Paper Presented on “Spiritual Intelligence and Self-Esteem in Early Childhood Care and Development”
2 International Seminar on New Education Policy and Quality Concern in Higher Education organized by Shri. S. R. Patel B.Ed. College, Surat 05/01/2020
Time:- 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Time:- 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Mr. Ajay Raval Paper Presented on “Role of Spiritual Intelligence and Self Esteem in Personality Development”
3 Brahma Gaurav Award 05/01/2020 05/01/2020 Mr. Ajay Raval Awarded Brahma Gaurav Award by Shri Samast Gujarat BrahmaSamaj (Rajya Kaksha)
4 Think India Journal (0971-1260) December 2019, Vol. 22, Issue 14 December 2019, Vol. 22, Issue 14 Mr. Ajay Raval Paper published on A Study of Spiritual Intelligence of Higher Secondary School Students in context of Gender
5 Shikshan Darshan (2319-202X) October-December 2019, Year-8, Issue-4 October-December 2019, Year-8, Issue-4 Mr. Ajay Raval Paper published on “Diary Lekhan”
6 State workshop on “Sanskrit Sahitya krutinam Rasaswadah” organized by Sanskrit Sahitya Akadami and Samarpan Arts and Commerce College , Gandhinagar 4th February, 2020
Time:- 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
4th February, 2020
Time:- 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Mr. Ajay Raval Participated
Sr. No. Name of Event Planned Date and Time Actual Date and Time Presenter/ Awarded/ Author Winners / Special Remarks
1 National Workshop on Use of Anti Plagiarism Sofware for detection of Plagiarism organized by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Ahmedabad 11th May, 2019 11th May, 2019 Dr. Kusum Yadav Attended Workshop
2 National Seminar on Creative Education organized by CCE Finland and DIR, KSV 13th and 14th July, 2019 13th and 14th July, 2019 Dr. Kusum Yadav Attended Seminar
3 Science and Technology Exhibition 2020 6th and 7th January, 2020 6th and 7th January, 2020 Dr. Kusum Yadav Presented a Scientific Model on “Role of Non – Conventional Energy Resources in Redesigning Environment”
4 Paper Publication in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research June 2019, Vol. 6, Issue 6 June 2019, Vol. 6, Issue 6 Dr. Kusum Yadav Paper published on Effectiveness of Strategy for Enhancing Emotional Intelligence of School Teachers
5 Paper Publication in Research Direction February-2019, Vol. 6 Issue 10 February-2019, Vol. 6 Issue 10 Dr. Kusum Yadav Paper published on A Study of Emotional Intelligence of Secondary School Students in Context to Gender

Faculty Development programme on ‘Innovative Curriculum Transaction’

30th April to 2nd May 2019

Day – 1  30/04/2019
Time Agenda
9am to 12pm Session by Ganpatsir on Portfolio Management
12pm to 1pm Lunch
1pm to 2pm Orientation by Prof. Vinaben Patel and Dr. Bhavik Shah
2pm to 4:45pm Brain-storming session on Innovative Curriculum Transaction of EPC followed by presentations by each group
4:45pm to 5pm Tea – Break
5pm to 6pm Presentations / Discussion on Decision Taken
Day – 2 01/05/2019
9am to 1pm

Brain-storming session on Innovative Curriculum Transaction of Sem. -1 Practical Courses followed by presentations by each group

List of Practical : Sem. 1

P1 Pre-Practice Teaching

P2 English Speaking and Personality Development -1

P3 Content Assignment – School Subject : 1

P4 Content Assignment – School Subject : 2

P5 Teaching Aids

P6 Lesson Observations of Experienced School Teachers

1pm to 2pm Lunch
2am to 5pm

Brain-storming session on Innovative Curriculum Transaction of Sem. – 3 Practical Courses followed by presentations by each group

List of Practical : Sem. 3

P14  Yoga

P15  Action Research

P16  Internship

P17  N.S.S.

P18  Education Forum

P19  Content Assignment – School Subject:1

P20  Content Assignment – School Subject:2

P21  Project Based Learning

4:45pm to 5pm Tea – Break
5pm to 6pm Presentations / Discussion on Decision Taken
Day – 3 02/05/2019
9am to 5pm Brain-storming session on Innovative Curriculum Transaction of Method Courses followed by presentations by each group
1pm to 2pm Lunch
2am to 5pm Brain-storming session on Innovative Curriculum Transaction of Content Knowledge followed by presentations by each group
4:45pm to 5pm Tea – Break
5pm to 6pm Presentations / Discussion on Decision Taken


Report on Faculty Development Programme:

There was a Faculty Development Programme held of 41 faculty members of four colleges of Faculty of Education at Gandhinagar and Kadi Campus on from 30th April to 2nd May 2019. The main objective of this FDP was to deliberate, discuss and imbibe innovative curriculum transaction and evaluation methods for EPC courses, Practical courses of Semester – I and III, Pedagogy of School Subjects and School Content. The Dean of the FOE, Prof. Veenaben Patel, chaired the discussion cum meeting at the end of each session of this FDP. Each day brain-storming was conducted by the whole staff divided into different groups. The following points were decided as the outcome of this FDP :

  • All the faculty members will use Google Classroom for all the activities like making announcements, circulating notices, distributing study material, taking online tests (through Socrative / Google Form) and informing results in at least one subject.
  • There will be a training programme conducted for students of Sem. – I and Sem. – III for using Google Classroom and preparing Teaching Portfolio. Mr. Ajaybhai at Gandhinagar and Ms. Mitaben at Kadi will train students for this. Sem. – IV students may be asked to submit / present their Teaching Portfolio in Sem.-IV along with Internship report.
  • All the EPC courses will be evaluated through practical assessment and there will not be separate theory examination. For EPC – Developing Teaching Aptitude, Unit – 4 content to be covered in Prayer Assembly from Semester – I itself so that the preparation can be started in advance. The prayer in-charge should ensure this from new academic term.
  • For Pre-Practice Teaching, some changes have been discussed in the format of lesson planning and observation sheet which have been submitted in hard copy by each group leader to Dr. J.H. Joshi and Dr. Kusum Yadav for a review followed up by changes for next year. Moreover, the sequence of orienting skills will also be change as :
  1. Questioning
  2. Stimulus Variation
  3. Illustration
  4. Set Induction
  5. As per the time table decided by respective Head
  • There was a presentation given by Dr. Asha Rani Anto on ‘Teaching Strategies based on Finnish Model’ in which she oriented some innovative teaching methods. There was a discussion held during the presentation on components of each method. Each Faculty will deliver an orientation on each method in Faculty Forum every month.

There were discussions held on innovative curriculum transaction and evaluation system of EPC courses, Practical courses of Semester – I and III, Pedagogy of School Subjects and School Content and each group presented their discussion outcomes followed up with feedback from colleagues and the Dean and Principal.

A National Seminar on the theme of ‘New Dimensions in Teaching, Learning & Assessment in Science Education ’Organized by Faculty of Education, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya in Collaboration with Gujarat Council on Science & Technology (GUJCOST)

 Brief Report : The twenty-first century was distinguished from humanity’s previous history by the unprecedented progress in science and technology. Within the context  of  sustainable  development,  it  is  now  recognized  that  no  modern society  is  imaginable  without  the  support  of  science  and  technology,  and most  countries  place  high  value  on  science  and  technology  as  a  means towards development. Acknowledging the need and importance of innovations in Science Education, Faculty of Education, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya in Collaboration with Gujarat Council on Science & Technology (GUJCOST) organized a National Seminar on the theme of ‘New Dimensions in Teaching, Learning & Assessment in Science Education ’. There were 138 registrations out of which there were 81 College Teachers, School Teachers, Research Scholars and B.Ed. / M.Ed. trainees who presented their study / research papers. This Seminar was directed by Prof. Vinaben Patel and Dr.Sanjay Gupta was the Convener of this Seminar.There was a Key Note Address delivered by Dr. A.R. Jani who is presently serving as the Hon. Director SICART, S.P. University and was a former Prof & Director: UGC, Human Resource Development Centre, Head, PG Dept. of Physics and Dean: Faculty of Science, S.P. University, Anand. Dr. A.R. Jani through his broad educational experience highlighted ‘Why is science education important in our schools?’. We are surrounded by technology and the products of science every day. Public policy decisions that affect every aspect of our lives are based in scientific evidence. And, of course, the immensely complex natural world that surrounds us illustrates infinite scientific concepts. As children grow up in an increasingly technologically and scientifically advanced world, they need to be scientifically literate to succeed. He emphasized that innovation in education is an ongoing process and is needed every once in a while to keep thing healthy and engaging for students as well as teachers. Innovation in education is defined as “the process of making changes to something established by introducing something new.” Students today are on lookout for challenges and opportunities that helps them explore and connect to outside world for better opportunities. And so, they challenge educators to be innovative and to make learning environments more exciting, challenging and rewarding for them.There were two expert sessions arranged on two relevant themes.The first expert session was by Dr. Bharatsinh M. Gohil who is the I/c Head, Department of Life Sciences, at M.K. University, Bhavanagar on the theme of ‘Active Learning Approach’ in which he introduced concept of active learning, demonstrated some techniques & activities related to the use of ALA in teaching – learning and motivated the participants to incorporate active learning into your future teaching.The second expert session was delivered by Dr. Vijaya Yanduri, who is an Assistant Professor, School of Education, Central University of Gujarat- Gandhinagar. She has contributed significantly in developing and propagating e applications and innovative methodology at various levels for government and private ventures. Dr. Vijaya delivered a very reflective and thought provoking demonstrative session on the theme of ‘ICT Based Innovative Teaching-Learning and  Assessment  practices in Science Education’.The seminar encompassed wide range of beneficiaries like School teachers, Teacher Educators, Science College Lecturers and P.G & Doctorate Research Scholars of Educational Institutions of India and abroad and B.Ed. M.Ed. trainees. Total 138 Participants delivered their papers on the topics like :

National Seminar

Name of Portfolio In-Charge : Faculty Development  (National Workshop) Portfolio Name : Dr. Devang Mehta

Sr. No.

Name of Event

Planned Date and Time

Actual Date and Time

Target Group & No. of Beneficiaries

Invited Experts

Man Days


National Workshop on ‘Advanced Use of Technology in Education’

29 & 30 Nov. 2018

29 & 30 Nov. 2018

School teachers, Teacher educators, other college lecturers and PG & Doctorate research scholars of Educational institutions of India and abroad, B.Ed. M.Ed. Trainees Total 77 Participants

Dr. Shivang Patel, Chirag Doshi, Dhaval Joshi, Dr. Divya Sharma, Dr. Rakesh Damir


Brief Information : In today’s era when we witness emerge of Artificial Intelligence, people have started wondering about replacement of teachers by Technological Aids like Artificial Intelligence but in fact Technology has the ability to enhance and improve the scope of student teacher relationship. So keeping this core objective in mind of improving student-teacher relationship and making teachers serve students more effectively, this workshop was organised on ‘Advanced Use of Technology in Education”.There were 77 Registrations out of which there were 51 College Teachers, 13 School Teachers and 11 Research Scholars who were participating. There are 6 participants from Maharasthra, 1 each from Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir and 1 from Uttar Pradesh. A TWO – DAY NATIONAL WORKSHOP On Advanced Use of Technology in EducationAt Faculty of Education, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhinagar Tentative Dates : 29 & 30 November (Thursday & Friday)Duration : 12 HoursSession Planning : DateTimeTitleAgendaExpert29th9am to 9:30amRegistration & High Tea29th9:30am to 10amInaugural Function29th10:15am to 1:30pmSession – 1Technology for Assessment, Evaluation and ExaminationDr. Shivang Patel29th1:30pm to 2:15pmLunch29th2:15pm to 5:00pmSession – 2Technology for Education Related Services – Database managementChirag Doshi &Dhaval Doshi30th9:30am to 10amHigh Tea30th10am to 1pmSession – 3Technology for Instruction(Special Focus on Smart Board)Dr. Divya Sharma30th1pm to 1:45pmLunch30th1:45pm to 4:45Session – 4Learning Application Utility in EducationDr. Rakesh Damir30th4:45pm to 5:30pmValedictory and Certificate Distribution

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