Notes to Contribution

Guidelines for contributors

Contributors are requested to follow the guidelines to submit a manuscript for Publication. It will be useful for faster process and error-free editing if authors follow the guidelines.

Research articles

  • Journal welcomes original research papers in education.
  • Research Articles must not contain more than 4,000 words, including notes and references. Longer articles will not be considered for publication.
  • Research Articles should be accompanied by an abstract of a maximum of 150-200 words, minimum five keywords.

Review articles

  • Review Articles’ length should not be more than 6,000 words.
  • Cited references should be limited to about 100 in number.
  • These articles are expected to survey and discuss current developments in a field.
  • These should be focused and structured.

General Guidelines

  • Contributions should be sent by email (typed and double-spaced).
  • Papers with immediate relevance for policy would be considered for early publication. Please note that this is a matter of editorial judgment.
  • Articles should be accompanied by an abstract of a maximum of 150-200 words, keywords, an introductory paragraph and subheads.
  • Authors need to mention the nature of article at the top of the manuscript (whether it is a research article or review article)
  • Authors are requested to list five to six keywords for their articles that can best represent the article.
  • Graphs and charts need to be prepared in MS Office (Word/Excel) and not in jpeg or other formats.
  • The pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page and through the text, reference list, tables and figure legends.
  • The order in which manuscripts are to be prepared is: Title page, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgements, references, tables, figure legends (on separate page preceding the first figure), figures (the figures should be labelled).
  • The title page should contain Title, Authors, Affiliations, and Corresponding author and address.
  • Writers are requested to provide full details for correspondence: postal address, phone numbers and email address.
  • Acknowledgements should be as brief as possible.
  • Papers should not have been simultaneously submitted for publication to another journal or newspaper. If the paper has appeared earlier in a different version, we would appreciate a copy of this along with the submitted paper.
  • Effort is taken to complete early processing of the papers we receive.
  • Journal requests authors not to send revised versions of their earlier contributions based on stylistic changes/additions, deletions of references, minor changes, etc. as this poses challenges in processing and unnecessary delaying of the work. Revised versions will not be processed. When there are major developments in the field of study after the first submission, authors can send a revised version.

Referencing Style

Authors are expected to follow the APA reference style (Latest) while writing their manuscripts. This will help in speedy processing of the manuscripts. Authors are expected to provide endnotes for references instead of footnotes.

Submit your manuscripts to:


  • Journal posts all published articles on FOE website.
  • Journal also posts all published articles on select databases.
  • Copyright of all articles published in the Journal belongs to the author or to the organization where the author is employed as determined by the Author’s terms of employment. `

Permission for reproduction

  • No published article or part thereof should be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the author(s)/editor.
  • A soft/hard copy of the author(s)’s approval should be sent to Journal.


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