Research Overview

Research Club

Research Club has been introduced in Faculty of Education, KSV since August 2018. It has been introduced to accomplish following objectives.

  1. To enable Under Graduate Faculties to acquire research skills

  2. To encourage publication of research papers in reputed journals

  3. To carry out research projects useful for addressing the problems of society

  4. To update faculties with innovative researches taken place

Detail of the Research Club run by FOE, KSV are given below

Note1: Presentation by in house faculties and experts from outside.Note2: Research forum may be rescheduled as per the permission of the Dean, FOE if required.

Research Forum

Every 1st and 3rd Saturday

Time: 8.00 to 9.20 A.M.

Venue: Seminar Room


Topics to be covered

Construction of Research Proposal


Hypotheses and their testing

Applied Research

Sampling and Sampling Errors

Construction of Tools for data collection

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Research writing etc.

Note: the given topics are suggestive only. Any topic that is found relevant can be added and removed too.

Refresher course/ Workshop  in Research Identified faculties  may be allowed to attend  Refresher course or workshop in Research if organized somewhere.
Ph.D. Scholars’ Presentation Identified Ph.D. scholars of KSV can be invited to deliver their presentation in Research Forum
Visit to Research driven organizations


CASE-M.S. Uni.



Guj. Vidyapeeth.


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